

24 May 2012

Emo - emotion

How do you do recently?
I am fine, as usual, usual as what I really wish for ...

Am adjusting relation with family members
and realizes small-mouth-fight among family members is un-avoided
what we should do is forgive and forget quickly
so we're back to normal soon

Hi Friends,
Since I moved to PJ for my further study
been very long time didn't get any very-good-friends
even so when I back to JB I am appreciate that I still can have soul-talk with friends
and also have a lots of fun together
Love you all Friends ^.^

well, am tik-tock-ing for the time that I am ready to drive to PJ ... Again

How are you?
been so long never visit you again.
we had fight since 2 years ago isn't it?
haha, funny
well are you going to visit me this time??
am look forward actually, I've Missed You

P/s: 奋斗还不能停止 因为还要更努力才行

eh eh , time to set off, Stay Tuned ya !


  1. yeah, since i moved here.. it's har to find a very-good-friend too.. miss u all and the time when we were in JB..

  2. what is wrong with that? we closed our heart or there are really hard to find one ><
    Miss all my friends !

  3. nothing is wrong..
    the world is full with betrayal that we cannot simply trust ppl
    the world is full with hypocrite that we cannot identify whether it is the real person or just a mask..
