

30 March 2013

D' very Origin

Hello all
just for story talk
let's flashback on what I've done after CNY ...

The very first thing was ...
I passed my City & Guilds Advance Diploma Final Test
with outstanding result 2 Distinction 1 Credit and 1 Pass
Ya I didn't need to waste money on taking re-sit
hooray~ give myself a big CLAP* =)

Then I have new companion
is his name
my new pet
a very naughty one
but lovely <3 p="">

Next ...
I was so brave to contact directly to this company
and I was lucky to join the team with TOP agent reward owner team
wow~ I feel myself approaching to succeed
the company is
I passed the 2 papers which Life insurance agent must be qualified
congraz to myself CLAP*(again)
I just feel myself lucky and everything comes smooth =)
btw I am officially a Prudential Life Insurance Agent
with my Manager assists
I believe that I can do well
Gambateh !!

the following event is that
the LIFELINE voluntary team
ya I am successfully to be consider as one of the team
and was so glad because that was what I've been wanted to do
well, just asking how many of you was thinking want to be a volunteer?
and how about the end?? have you become one of them?
not provoke =)
just mean if you're interest pls do contact me anytime
let's spread our strength and love to people who needs

The Second last achievement is
I went to a Taoist Camping
and I was so impressed by this religion after I really get deep into it
can you imagine that a person who is not superstition at all
will finally join a Taoist(Yi Guan Dao) ??
Well can't admit that I was feel so dislike it initially
but I found I was wrong after that
I do really learn a lot from inside
Tao about Life
Tao between People
Tao about Soul
It is not only a belief
It is about the knowledge on living
I love it because people are so polite
We are kind and can be friend easily
You can't found any evil and fake feeling in people
they are not that superstition also
but more prone to apply all the Tao Knowledge in life
It is a healthy religion
I think whichever religion can fill up my life I will accept it
like this one

Well I am not that busy actually because I still can find time
haha but I don't think that will last when my April starts
here's the last thing
My formal Job
ya I just received call and want me to start working on Monday
1st April - April Fool
haha what a good date to start a job huh
hope that the Superior won't tell me
"this is just a joke,now go back"
I choose what I want and I get what I want
I feel good starting for my 2013 resolution
and I hope this will continue
I am trying my best
and I will be success

The Power of Dreams

01 March 2013

那一天 那一年 那些年

我就常懊惱 為什麽我的個性那么敏感
直到我開始接觸世俗之後 我漸漸明白了上天的用意

被賜予這樣獨特的自己 讓我更加輕易的了解到這個世界,人情,尔虞我诈

可是當我了解了這樣的命運 我明白了我所能做的改變與突破




到了那一年 那一天
我會變成更好的自己 好讓你對我會有那麽一點點 甚至多一點點的好感,
因為如果我想得到特別的 我就應該付出更多的代价
我相信更好的自己 會遇見更好的她

我没法后退 所以我选择向前冲!