

24 January 2010

dream about "LIFE"

Yesterday...sakai came to look for me...
quite happy n excited lo><

those 3 sakai are xixi(feishi) sakai chia(peichia) n sakai yam(yishan)...they came to perling mall then i went to lead them to my hse lo... they 3 sakai...very noise in my hse lo><

in evening,we met wit 老刘(kuanyew)
afterthat we went to 刷刷锅 havin our dinner...it cost us 25.9 bucks lo!!!so expensive la~

老刘 was joining us too~his wallet was broke wit a big hole ler~haha~
my stomach is "FULLY FILLED" till i cant slp properly at tat night loT.T

i drove sakai chia's LITTLE RED...thks for giving me to drive
i love driving^^ P/s: OTHERS ppl's car is always better than ownself wan haha~

i was havin a wonderful day...hope u all were^^thks for coming~


"LIFE" (dream)

i want to look for a job the working hours cant be too long
shud hav enuf time for me to look after my family's "big small stuff"
income per month muz be 乐观 the job can make me felt contended n enjoy
no need face to stress from the boss either stupid customer's bad attitude

my life partner not neccessary muz stay at home be a"yellow face wife"
she could fight for her own career (but cant be too over tired coz will make me worry)
i can send her to company in the morning and i can fetch her home in the evening
my small company/industry/shop muz hav the WORKER who can be trusted(no need too much worker)
so that i can let him to manage the "shop" then i can come to work late n off earlier for fetching her
if allow i can be the driver for fetching child to sch and after
dinner i can cook she can go for enjoying bathing (but now i still cant cook yet)
my job cant be too strict my worker shud enjoy working too

if anythg happen i can left the work to my worker and i go settle it personal
if my friend needs help i can give him my helping hand if i am allow and capable to....
my hse cant be too big because i like CLEAN it shud be easy to clean and always to....

my life partner muz can accept me
accept mine young's heart
accept me as i like to help friend
accept mine retard on feeling and emotional
she must know how to massage coz my work might make me腰酸背痛 so i need her to help me MASSAGE haha~

maybe i cant be a billionair or trillionaire but i more care bout my family's relationship
I will let you laugh at me until the day i achieve it!!~

today morning i fetch my mom to perling pasar
commonly i will stay on car and waitin for her but today donno y
i was follow her go into pasar
this is not the point
there's a comedy story~haha~

一个卖菜的叔叔在叫卖黄瓜 黄瓜那儿放着5毛钱的牌子
叔叔:黄瓜一个5毛 3个一块 来啊来啊

他引起了我的注意 这时 一个不懂卖什么的阿姨走过
阿姨:uncle啊 你没有"度"书啊 黄瓜一个5毛 3个是块半啦

我笑了 你呢?

14 January 2010

渐渐的忘记 跟不上明天

真心爱过一个人 不是说忘记就能忘记
死心只是对自己的一个借口 从前的那一颗心一直都还在

我试着逃出这个圈圈里 日复一日
时间一久 回忆 却自动清晰了起来

我一直都在逃避 不是没有勇气面对
只是 这一面对 就是刺痛流血

我不要emo了 我有目标 只是遇到了瓶颈 怠慢了
尽管我再怎么逃避 怎样为自己找借口 无可否认
我还是喜欢着她 也愿意再承担一切 付出一切

我要打起精神来 继续为我的目标迈进
我说过 男生要为下一个她努力
就让我 当作是为了下一个你 而努力吧

我要面对 更纵容的面对 面对你 面对大家
在未来 我不一定会再与你相遇 但
我知道 如果我再不逃出这个圈圈里 我就一定不会再遇见你

不能在一起 不代表我不能再喜欢你
而不能在一起 也不代表 我不能再给你快乐
我也不怕别人知道 因为我欺骗不了自己的心......

加油 高高


在家里的事 我总看得一清二楚

对修理有点兴趣的我 决定先从这行学习一点
经过一个礼拜 觉得我懂得不多 跟我之前学过的也较不同
可是那天 我不知道你跟他讨论了什么

你要跟我谈 我就跟你谈
可是你却说 “我讲你就听”
那好 你继续讲 我听也不做回应 那你永远不会知道我的想法

是谁说:你不要做就不要做咯 没有勉强你

我要出去找工 你却讲 不要被别人骗 找那些不三不四的工
看看别人 不是都想你们说的那样
以前的生活 不能再拿来跟现在的比了
好了 这算抱怨 不是emo了吧

12 January 2010

梦 终究是梦

大前天 梦见了你
前天 也梦见了你
昨天 却让我遇见了你
今天 我又在梦见了你


眼泪 无色
但却甜中带苦 苦中带甜

