

09 April 2011

Something I must do...

Well Well~
Let's talk about office issue first...

Manager had a meeting with us...
can tell that he has a high demand on our staff abilities...
what's so important is TeamWork and...

Rotation Rotation Rotation~

My lovely colleagues...
understand what Mr. Keane has done for us??
he shoulder the stress from the upper management...this is what i feel...
although sometime I have "objection" to his act but can't deny that what he has done to his staff...

My plan had set for the period after I quit my job...

This is all inside my mind =D
love to plan and then hit the target..full of sense of accomplishment
My life will be going on like this way...
Until I hit my REAL TARGET...

I don't really feel very upset because I shall fail to do these...
Was emo-ing because there's something I have to done well and proudly...

>Failure is the steps lead to Success<

To: >si cinnonet<

Janganlah minum coffee atau teh yang ber-manis banyak
coffee kan bitter...coffee package already mix with sugar somemore...
jikalau tambah manis lagi sudahlah banyak sangat gula tu~

Kena jaga jaga baik badan kesihatan anda terutama girl girl lah~
kan lagi nak ber-anak berapa tahun nanti...jika badan status tak stable tak bagus lah jadinya...

chinese elder selalu kata: jangan minum & makan yang tak sihat sangat...
nanti tua akan rasa akibatnya ~

LAGI si cinnonet look not so spirit kadang-kala...kan rasa penat~
rehat-lah betul betul masa kat rumah~

Duit can't buy Kesihatan~


  1. ryan,,,speechless u know..this post really make me smile alone..heheh..i mane ade minum byk coffee tp sometimes jek...
    i boring la coz u da pindah sebelah nurul then u nk resign may nnti...i lost my boyfriend in this office u know...:(

  2. haha~i knew u were here since i saw "Denmark" showed in the earth up there kaka

    okok~kalau sometime tak pe >< tapi jgn "always" eh...
    aiya, jgn cakap macam tu nanti i not bear to resign ><...
    saye got to resign coz got many task hav to do eh~

    eh~nak lawan badminton sama tunang kau lea~kalau dia kalah jadi tak bleh kahwin same u >< hehe~hahaha~
    gurau jek la~

    kalau buatkan anda senyum bagus-lah =D...
    i tak pandai cakap, buatkan awak rasa bosan juga la XD

  3. gaogao : u pndai ckpla..i tak boring pn..ok,,u nk lwn dgn my fiance..ok,,juz set time k..nnti i info die...
    if u resign,,boring ley i nnti...:(

  4. hahaha~~~tunggu i berhenti kerja baru lawan sama die hehe =p...
    ade che wan teman u berbual tak boring punya eh =)
